Wednesday, May 29, 2013

This Girl

Seriously, this girl lights up my days!  The things she says, (which I definitely need to write them down more often), the outfits she will come out of her room in, and her snuggles are just the best thing ever!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Botanical Garden

I just love when free activities pop up!  This past Friday the Idaho Botanical Garden had free admision all day.  Yay!  It was hot and sunny out, we all were sweltering!  It was so nice to walk around the same places that Jared & I were married in.  The garden has expanded so much since we were married.  The kids had a great time running all over the place and hiking to the top of the hill.  Man, they are growing up too fast!
He looks like a little boy, not a baby!!!

Doing some rock jumping.

Almost got everyone looking at the camera!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fun in the Sun

It was so nice and warm today that we spent all day in the backyard. Ethan just loves to play in the yard a la nude! His little baby bum is just too cute and I can use these as blackmail later on! ;)
Not really wanting his picture taken.

Dance Recitals

Kylie is in her second year at dance class and she continues to love it! We take her to dance class through the parks department in Meridian which makes it an affordable activity. They do some of their recitals at retirement homes for the residents. These recitals turn out to be my favorite each time. The kids are excited and the residents just love seeing the little kids dance.
Ethan is never to thrilled to have to sit through recitals.

My little Tinkerbell

Tired of pictures and wanted to join her friends.