Friday, July 26, 2013

4th of July!

Here is the last picture dump from our trip to Oregon! We celebrated my birthday and Grandma's (hers is on the 4th). We all loaded up and went to watch Despicable Me 2 to beat the heat before the festivities. Second year in a row Kylie was not a fan of the fireworks and wanted to go inside and watch from the couch.   I hope you all had a fun and safe 4th!
The kids were ready for cake!

Time for Pop-Its!

working on his throwing skills.

All the cousins!

Kylie and her Grandee.

Ky with Gigi-ma and Grandee.

Friday, July 19, 2013

More Oregon

I celebrated my birthday while on our Oregon trip and for my birthday I wanted to go to the coast. We loaded up and headed out to escape the heat of being inland! The coast was a perfect 70+ degrees and sunny! We checked out tide pools, hiked up to a lighthouse, went to the aquarium, and hiked in the Redwoods. Perfect day.

looking for crabs

checking out the aquarium!

my little surfer

Monday, July 15, 2013

Oregon Fun

I am going to have to blog this trip in sections cuz I took a bunch of pictures! This year we headed to Oregon for Fourth of July to see family. We tested out driving overnight and it went pretty well (except for keeping constant watch for deer on the road). Since we had driven all night the first day we laid low and relaxed/took naps! The next day we loaded up and headed down to the Rogue River to play in the water. The kids had a blast and we definitely tuckered out by the end.
rock "catching"

baby buns!

she's such a ham!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Summer Sports

So what I thought was gonna be an activity free summer turned into soccer and gymnastics! Soccertots and Danik Gymnastics both had some good all summer long deals so we gave it a try.  What surprised me the most is that Kylie loves soccer over gymnastics!  Who would've thought that my dare devil/climb anything child preferred running around a field chasing a ball.  She is awfully cute to watch participate in both activities.  She has shown me that she does in fact have good listening skills (when it's not me of course) and is willing to participate in all the drills without a fuss.  She does like to be miss social and chat with her coaches and those around her!  Looks like fall soccer may be in our future and I may have to invest in some soccer gear for her.
Looking fashionable while playing.

of course chatting it up with fellow team mate!

She has become a master at the bar.