Sunday, September 29, 2013

it's almost October?!

I have definitely slacked on blogging!  Summer flew by and now we are in fall already!  End of the summer we traveled to southern California to attend a cousin's wedding and then headed down to Disneyland with Jared's mom.  It was SO hot and humid, definitely never going again in hot weather months!  The kids had fun and I think have had their fill of Disneyland experiences for a couple years.  Kylie got to meet the rest of the princesses that she missed the first time around.  Ethan just lifted his shirt to every princess and then proceeded to hug them.  He is a ladies man for sure!  I have a lot more pics from the last month,  but I better break it up!  We had such a fun summer and look forward to the fun we will have this fall!  Bring on the apple picking, pumpkin, patches, and hay rides!